Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Snow and cold are the other side of the coin. You can’t have ‘Heads’ if there is no ‘Tails’. When I think about primitive people living off the land I’m so thankful for a thousands years of technology. If I were facing a long, dark, cold winter like a rodent, burrowed up in a hole somewhere with seeds and roots stashed away to get me through, I’d probably starve or freeze. But then maybe that’s just what we do. Rodents have adapted to the perils of winter and they come out in the spring somewhat thinner than they went in but they do come out. Birds fly south for the winter, duh! Wherever it is that humming birds go, there will be flowers, food and a mild breeze all the way to April and May. 
I had considered going to Argentina for the North American winter. I have friends there and my Español is survivable. It would improve dramatically if I had no other options. But I let that window close and I’m left, simply looking at Arizona. A cultural phenomenon unfolds there every winter. People from all over go there with their motor homes, their vans and travel trailers; they park in the desert or national forests, on public lands where there are no facilities and no fees. They have the best technology with solar panels and generators to meet their needs. You can still poop in a hole and cover it up. If nothing else, you can always spend the night in a Wal*Mart parking lot. 
I have a Ford pickup truck and a small, pop up camper. My plan is to be in Arizona the 1st week of January. I make great plans for having a plan. But as that time bleeds away, I realize I’ll be planning ahead, one meal, one day at a time. I’ll learn about the solar panels when I get there and I have no pride at all; I’ll park in the corner of a Wal*Mart lot more than I care to admit. It still gets cold at night up in the desert and you still need a good sleeping bag. But it won’t be the rodent’s dilema. 
I’ll meet people and they never disappoint me. Some are cool, others not so much but then every bell curve has its tail. Maybe I’ll find someone who will coach me on my Spanish. Maybe I’ll meet a Republican who can explain ‘Trickle Down-Ayn Rand’ Bull Shit so it sounds plausible. When I pay attention I see wealth trickling up from below. Maybe I’ll meet a Liberal who has finally figured out that people only care about themselves. Maybe we should just get over it. Maybe I’ll cave in and book a ticket to Mendoza or Ushuaia after all. Patagones son dulces y me encantan. Mis compatriotas tienen la cabeza por su culo.  

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