Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I’m glad we are into the holiday season. If nothing else I will dwell on my good fortune, my good health the friendships I treasure. For nearly a month I have been trying  to rationalize what I think and what I feel about the recent, national election. It hasn’t been easy. I had prepared myself for the worst and wasn’t surprised when it transpired but the feeling was more empty than disappointment. I just feel empty. Trying to frame a metaphor or a description isn’t going anywhere. 
I have addressed in other posts, my objections to the man. No need here to plow that furrow again. I understand that most voters were voting against the other party more than for a candidate and I do identify with the unrest and resentment toward government. The irony of that is, I believe, that people are only angry with leaders and programs of the other party. They think the jerks in their own party are just fine. There is a fundamental riff between people who want their freedom to supersede someone else’s freedom, and then people who need a freedom that protects them from the former. Human nature hasn’t changed in a million years; the more you have, the more you want. 
I keep telling myself and it seems to be working, today is the only day I can put my hands on. Tuesday gives way to Wednesday and then Thursday but in the fleeting moment it’s always today. I’m too old to worry about dying young or being a failure. A  pilgrim on life’s journey asked the sage, “What will it be like after I die?” The old Master tilted his head, rolled his eyes and stroked his chin. “Well,” he said “it will be just about the same as before you were born.” I trust that wisdom more than populist bull shit and religious hyperbole. Solstice will be here soon; the longest celebrated holiday on the planet. I’ll improvise some kind of ceremony with fire, music and dancing. Maybe I’ll get someone to help me. After that I’ll be putting the Santa back in Xmas. 

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