Saturday, January 25, 2025


  I am acquainted with a very nice person, nearly my age who likes this blog except for when I write about the current ideological divide (politics). Their comment was, “I could do without the political drama.” I have always invited comments and I do make a conscious effort at civility. By definition, the words judgment and opinion are almost synonymous except, one requires objective evidence while the other is driven by subjective feelings. Still I would think you can have strong feelings about objective conclusions. I feel the same way about traditional religion; I can do without self-righteous hyperbole. At the same time I keep trying to find balance. Belief & Faith are kissing cousins but (again) by definition, belief is a measure of acceptance. I can accept the weather forecast without having much faith in it. Faith goes beyond acceptance. Requiring no compelling proof it is accepted as an absolute truth. I believe in many conservative principles still I have no faith in the way they want to accomplish those ideas. 
Since I discovered Elie Wiesel (Holocaust survivor & Nobel Laureate) I have embraced his thoughts on writing. He said, “I write to understand as much as to be understood.” I write in self defense, to satisfy the 12 year-old who is trapped inside my head. He would rather have me struggle with an ugly truth than take comfort in either ignorance or denial. I cannot dig in the dirt and not get it on me; it is what it is.  There is no satisfaction in a bad diagnosis. But I feel compelled to write the story however bad it may smell. I get the benefit (Wiesel). When I’ve finished, a large, complicated story has been organized and digested. I don’t memorize anything but I can connect the dots. Emily Dickinson said, “Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door.” Between the two of them I find a thread of vindication. Any political ‘Drama’ I generate is more than offset by positive, grateful stories. My unmerited good fortune and good life are almost always mentioned somewhere in my story and I’ll probably keep doing what I’ve been doing. 

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