Saturday, June 12, 2021


  I listen to NPR when I listen at all, which actually says a lot about me (the ‘at all’ part) but this is not about me. Their Saturday morning programming is less news-news and more stuff-stuff. Saturday is about the only time I listen in the morning, maybe Sunday for the puzzle quiz but even at that, what you get with news-news is a lot of crap you really don’t need to know. As if; News Flash - Peace breaks out in Palestine. . . right! Don’t hold your breath, or - Trump apologizes. . . not gonna happen. That kind of news would stop clocks. But I gave Saturday a chance and the result has been, not good but to some extent bearable. Last night in Austin, Texas there was another mass shooting with 13 wounded. The police chief reports happily, no one has died. If the shooter had a bigger clip in his assault rifle or better aim, I would think, he could have killed them all. I used the pronoun ‘he’ because women simply don’t go ‘round shooting everyone in sight. I have maintained for decades and still contend, even when my self conscious male cohorts cringe at the thought, that any time a man picks up a loaded gun his penis doubles in size and what else might stroke a man’s ego so; the ultimate, righteous phallus. That was the news this Saturday morning. 
My thoughts today originally had to do with Jesus’ humanity. Whatever else I believe concerning all powerful, all knowing, supernatural beings; I believe he was human, at least for a while. That so, he consumed food, gleaned its nutritional component and jettisoned what was  left via his fully human, anal sphincter, his asshole. At the distal terminus of his digestive tract, Jesus had an asshole. If not you know, he would have been full of it. It is not something Christians would think about, much less talk about but then, their curiosity has been stunted by a terminal case of obedient denial. It begs the question, blasphemous as it may be, how did he keep it clean? Personal hygiene was in its infancy or primal state. No shelf at Nazareth’s local market for soap or toilet paper. Human excrement is nasty stuff. You don’t want it stuck to your flesh as you go about your daily tasks. Certainly you don’t want to wake up with an odoriferous crotch, laden with yesterday’s crusty poop. 
That brings up another question, related but far removed: how do they break down and recycle the unavoidable fecal stream onboard the international space station? I can imagine a filter that separates urea, creatine, ammonia and (yellow) pigments from water but shit after all, that must be a marvelous piece of hardware. 
I began today with misgivings about the news only to leapfrog my way through religious malfeasance and decomposing/recycling waste in space. I am old and I gravitate toward the attitude; “Begging forgiveness is preferable to asking permission.” The really good thing about writing this blog is that I don’t have to concern myself with either one. There are no excuses but there is always a reason. Tomorrow will bring a new story or not, maybe more of the same but it won’t change the fact, life is good so be well.

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