Tuesday, November 24, 2020


  My Apple computer came with some software I didn’t ask for but then it works and slowly, i’m learning. There is a little box full of small icons, all of them news outlets. If I click on one, today’s paper scrolls up and I can see what is in the news. If I want to read beyond the first paragraph I need to subscribe. Some news services are free and I’ve been satisfied to get my news there so far. As much as I like NPR News and the BBC, I have learned to appreciate the New York Times even more. They offered a one year, on line subscription for $4 per month, but only for a while. Subscribe now or the price goes back up soon. If that is high pressure tactics then shame on them. If it’s nothing more than a good deal, I can live with that. So I did the online subscription and now I have full access, any time of day.
David Brooks is a featured columnist and I trust him. His own personal backstory is credible, he or one of his interns actually does research the issues before he writes and that is to his credit. I discovered his column in 2012 when I was in Nova Scotia, have been following him from a distance ever since. He is a guest on NPR’s news hour every week but I prefer to read, often reread his column and it comes at a price. 
Brooks is a moderate conservative with deep roots in what is fair. I would be a moderate conservative myself but only if the world, this nation, were a perfect place. For as long as greed and denial corrupt perfection, I will lean to the left. I realize the big winners on the right believe that greed is good and denial cures every ill. All of Brooks’ posts are archived, going back for years and I have access to them all.  
Another writer I follow had an op-ed in the Times on 11/20. Yuval Harari is an Israeli scholar, historian, author who comes at issues with relentless objectivity. His piece was about Cabal Conspiracy Theories and the flawed logic behind them. His point about small groups of elites controlling outcomes in large, complex interactions was applicable to smaller scale conspiracies. Exercising covert control, keeping it secret and guiding it to fruition is nigh impossible in a family dispute much less with corporations, government or social hierarchy. After all, the best laid plans of mice and men . . .
Yesterday, November 23, in a single day over a thousand fatalities and 180,000 new Covid cases confirmed. At first they said it was a Liberal hoax. Then they disputed the numbers, that both cases and fatalities had been exaggerated for political ends. Then they tried to play it down by comparing it to the number of Americans who die every day of other causes. Now all I hear from Trump junkies is, "It’s old news, people are going to die so get over it." 
Thanksgiving is only 2 days off with airline bookings higher than any time since the March shutdown. Every medical/health expert on record has pleaded, don’t travel, avoid indoor gatherings this weekend. We want to be with family, I understand that. But collectively we don’t care about the consequence. It underscores a spoiled, inconsiderate culture. We love who we love and everybody else can go fish. I am not full blown angry, just a little pissed, thankful yes but nothing to be proud of on this holiday. 

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