Monday, July 9, 2018


Marathon, Ontario: Every wake-up is an adventure, of sorts, I suppose. Two hundred miles east of Thunder Bay, Marathon is off the Trans-Can Highway a couple of km, on the north shore, Lake Superior. Lots of similarity here with Alaska, the way trees struggle agains cold and wind, the way people address necessity. Americans have a reputation for valuing curb appeal more than R-rating on insulation. Here, everything is utilitarian and if it meets the need, that may be good enough. I woke up early, knowing by feel that it was time to get up but the fog had soaked us up like a big sponge. I was in a large parking lot and couldn’t see anything outside other than daylight, diffusing down through the fog. I was warm and dry so I nodded off for another 15 minutes. 
At 9:00 a..m. the fog is still heavy. At one of two local coffee/deli shops, I can see all the way across the parking lot, all the cars, across the street but only shrouded silhouettes of buildings on the other side . Again, very much like Seward, Alaska. Tourism guide recommends the beach here with its beautiful view. You always put your best foot forward and the beach may be Marathon’s only foot. I’ll have to wait for the fog to lift before I can pass judgment. 
I went to church with Unitarians yesterday. What I like is, they are predictable in a good way. Thunder Bay has a small congregation but none the less, two Unitarians together and you have a two hour conversation, 3 or 4 and you can debate all afternoon. Eight of us went to lunch afterward. Scandinavian pan cakes; conversation was better than the food. 
I was surprised even though I’d looked at the map. The highway runs parallel with the shore but there are lots of islands and headlands, too much for any views of the big lake. When there was open water it was obscured by dense stands of trees. From here on, the road turns east and the coast turns south. I want to make it to Wawa today, only 120 miles but I want sunshine for photos at the beach.  No rush so I’ll wait. O.M.G. - it’s almost daylight. I don’t think that light pole really cast a shadow but it will; sort of like Santa coming down the chimney. 

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