Saturday, June 25, 2016


I tend to think before I speak, pick the words before I write and that can make for dull reading. Then, you can lose control of an idea and it runs amok, painfully boring. I know I run that risk but I’ll try to do better. 
“Populism” is so named because it appeals to the “Common man” as opposed to the “Elite.” In this case, 'elite' has an intellectual connotation rather than wealth. Populism appeals to people who  rely on feelings rather than an informed, broadly qualified reality. From cultural collisions in the past I remember the quip; “I know what I believe: don’t confuse me with truth.”  Then, there are demagogues; political leaders who lean hard on “Populism” fueling emotions with fears, prejudices and popular desires. So, to be seen as a Populist is not a compliment and demagogues go there with rhetoric to rally the masses, in their own interests. 
This is the 21st Century; an election year. Our populist demagogue is a filthy rich, real estate tycoon who stirs fears and turns common people against each other. His strategy is to confuse and confound rather than make compelling arguments. In his adult life he has never tried to advance the best interests of anyone but himself. He blames immigrants and foreigners for every problem. He promises to make this country great again but the underlying, coded message really says, “We’re going to make this country White again.” As much as he appeals to frustrated people who he has never identified with, who struggle to make ends meet; they can’t resist the feeling - "Somebody is poking it to the establishment." Donald F#@king-trump believes and practices the same tyranny as robber barons before him, Vanderbilt and Rockefeller. The working poor serve industry better than slavery ever did. With the poor, you don’t have to care for them when they are sick or there isn’t enough work to keep them busy. They have to solicit a master who will treat them with more contempt than slave owners their slaves, who were irrevocably invested in human property. 
In large part, F#@king-trump appeals to people who had high paying jobs that went away during the recession; middle age, white males. He doesn’t appeal to main stream Republicans but they are stuck with him. In the end they have to vote for him because Hillary is such a liberal bitch. The “Liberal” part implies the 1%, even the 15% should pay more so the poor can feed their children and everybody gets basic medical care. The “Bitch” part is common man-talk, reserved for any woman who fights back. If she can hold her ground and win out over male competitors, then she is a “F#@king Bitch.” Nobody gets to the top of national politics without leaving a trail of broken opponents and guarded secrets. I am not a Hillary fan but she has a history of helping women, minorities and the working class as well as her own best interests. In her scheme the rich pay a price for that privilege but still feed at the trough first. I realize that F#@king-trump’s supporters would paint a different profile but whatever the reason, they want America ‘White’ again. They want to ride that privilege like they rode it in the past or, they would rather break the toy than let someone else play with it.
          I wasn’t a Bernie fan either; he was a populist of sorts. But his appeal was to  liberal idealogues who don’t really want to do the math either. This life has been really good to me and I can’t complain. I worked hard enough, smart enough but I was mostly lucky. I’m not a populist patriot, not willing to die for a cause, not particularly proud or even talk that kind of hyperbole. I’m just lucky to have been a white, American male when that was the key to 2n and 3rd and 4th chances at success. If Jesus came back in November and you think he would vote for 'The Donald', you are Nucking Futs. Neither would he defend the 2nd amendment, dictate man’s sovereignty over any woman’s uterus or torture political prisoners. The promise of second coming makes for miraculous religion but it serves us best when he stays away; self righteous is the rule and God Bless America. Just saying!

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