Friday, November 16, 2012


Bella Napoli is a bonafide, Italian Coffee Shop, Deli, Restaurant in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, MO. Depending on the time of day, table trappings evolve from coffee cups and muffins to panini’s in styrofoam boxes and then linen napkins and a pedigree wine list. I hang out there with a morning coffee klatch that has been meeting every day, except Sunday, for a very long time. I was allowed to sit and join in a couple of years ago. They are used to me disappearing for weeks or months at a time so when I return, it’s a happy, fun time. 
Attendance generally runs 6 to 8 through the morning but then some days it gets crowded, like today, there were thirteen of us. I think the record is seventeen. We have an understanding with management to put chairs back and go away by 11:00. Good friends are treasures and these characters are the real deal. This round table is missed when I’m on the road; not enough to keep me in the zip code but I do miss the good conversation, the wide range of interests and expertise. It’s difficult to be in house and not learn something new. 
Swimming is going well. I get my laps in early now and write later but the day unwinds about the same. I still have to discipline myself to do guitar work in the evening but it will come. It’s harder to do work when you have friends who want to play. This life is getting tougher all the time.

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