Thursday, August 22, 2024


  I get two or three hundred words into an idea before I remember something that needs my attention. When I come back to read what I wrote earlier it reads like something only an old man with nothing to do but throw words at the page would do. This is my 3rd or 4th attempt here, hoping for some inspiration before I remember something else that needs attention. In my last blog post I took the former President to task for simply being a terminal narcissist masquerading as a conservative politician. I don’t need to do that over and over. Get it right the first time and move on but sometimes it won’t leave me be.
There is usually something on YouTube that either informs or entertains but with presidential politics in high gear most of the menu offerings are ridiculous. I do actually try to avoid partisan hype. Still, YouTube has algorithms that tabulate and analyze which film clips you speed by and which ones you slow down for as you scroll along. I speed past Trump photos but I do slowdown just a little for Jon Stewart and Pete Buttigieg so that they know my preferences without me watching anything. I don’t need an insulting photo of DT or some MAGA dunce to get me upset. Getting upset wasn’t on my to-do list but I think it appropriate that his initials DT are synonymous with (Delirious Tremors) “symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia.”  While I’m at it, I do like the alternative, a no brainer: a woman of color with real credentials, legitimate backstory and quality of character. 
I killed my facebook account years ago but revived it under another name; have 9 friends. I never post anything just follow those friends. Today one of them posted a quote by somebody I never heard of but it said; worry is the interest you pay on something that hasn’t and may never happen. Bobby McFerrin wrote & sang his song in 1988 - Don’t Worry, Be Happy. I am inclined to believe that people do not (Do Not) make history after all. I think it works the other way; History makes the person. Bonnie Raitt and Linda Ronstadt sang a duet back when they were young - Love Is Blind & It Cannot Find Me. Sort of the same idea; you can chase fame and fortune but if it doesn’t find you it’s just a long walk. So every time I start fretting on what else can go wrong I remind myself; don’t worry, be happy. I have good reason to be happy. Even if we get a leader that is both pathetic and unfit I couldn’t have changed history. I’m just on a long walk and it’s not all bad. I am reminded that change is the nature of nature and if you cannot adapt then you are like the egg that was dreaming about hatching into a chick but woke up in an omelette.

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