Thursday, June 16, 2022


  Some things set off a bell or a flag goes up and I can’t help but notice; it’s been a long time, maybe first time this year that whatever it is I had forgotten about has come back. I notice the first time in spring that I break out short pants and likewise long pants on a cool, windy day in late September. It has been 3 days in a row that I need to keep windows closed to stay cool. Four big trees in front and four more in the back are making shade and it makes a difference but summer’s heat is back. 
Last night late it was 82 inside and out so I opened windows and turned on the attic fan. Sleeping was really good, first night with no cover sheet and I slept until almost 9:00. But the temp outside was climbing steady. Down with the windows and time to reboot the AC; first time this year. It is 2:00 p.m. and 95 degrees, forecast is for 97. I try to keep the temp inside about 10 degrees cooler than outside, just bumped it up to 85. It’s enough to keep the humidity down and a relatively dry 85 is tolerable. My house stays cool better than most but should it get 93-94 inside, it takes a long, long time to come back down. 
Today makes two days in a row that door-to-door sales people have come to my door. Yesterday the guy was selling security systems, today a young woman and her trainee in the pest control business. We had a cordial exchange and they moved on. I thanked them for getting me outside: my truck windows needed to be rolled down. They walked on together up the middle of the street, in the heat of the day and I remembered walking mile long corn fields, culling genetic rogues from the rows of seed corn with a razor sharp hoe. That was hot and humid and a new cloud of corn pollen swirled around my head with every step. Those were the good old days. Selling security systems and pest control is for sissies.  
The old axiom is true however: old age is not for sissies. So I suck it up and do what needs be done. I have some things to do today and I will get around to them. The best thing about my basement wood shop is that it is always cool down there. Still, sawdust and pollen are kissing cousins. Good sandpaper and a padded sanding block can reconcile a multitude of sins if you have a good respirator and goggles. That would have worked with the pollen too but the extra heat & discomfort would have just made it worse. Anyway, there was always an irrigation pond close by to jump into. 
Growing old can look pretty grim from a distanceI but I speak from experience, the closer it gets the better it looks. After all; the alternative is not growing old and I don’t want to go there. My most important job is waking up in the morning. I used to tell my bald headed grandpa, “When I grow old I want a bald head just like you.” His response was always the same; “I don’t think you will be so lucky.” He was right. The hair on top my head may be thin but every other month it requires a barber’s touch. So far nobody has suggested they want to end up like me in a saw-dusty wood shop. Still if and when they do I can say, “I don’t think you’ll be so lucky.” I’ve been sitting on that line since 1950. 

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