Tuesday, May 9, 2017


“I write as much to understand as to be understood.” Oh my; ain’t it the truth. If nothing else moves me to write I still sit down at the keyboard and wait for inspiration. We are creatures of habit and early morning is my time to write. Come 10:00 if I haven’t narrowed my view to a particular idea, I let it go and move on. I don’t have to turn out a product every day but I do need to sit down and shake the tree. It is supposed to work like Hansel & Gretal, leaving a trail of bread crumbs as they go deeper into the forest. If you leave a trail someone may follow. If no one follows, you might be able to retrace your path; to find your way back. I know; there’s no going back but we take comfort in the myth. Regardless, it is the leaving of crumbs that, in the moment, meets the need. 
I have often likened myself to the “Fly on the wall.” The world at large is going on around me and I watch it unfold, try to figure out what it means; history. Like a rain drop in a thunder storm, my little contribution could be weighed and measured but in the end it’s just a rain drop. I don’t need to believe I moved the needle. I don’t think people make history, just the opposite. If Edison hadn’t invented the light bulb we would still be in the dark: I don't think so. The blue bottle fly buzzing on the window doesn’t need self esteem, a hero or a role model. It breathes, takes shelter, finds food, reproduces and goes unobserved on the wall somewhere. People fixate on the anonymity of a fly when it suits them. I don’t know if it is by choice or by chance but I’m not taking myself very seriously this morning. 
Former President Obama was in the news this morning. In a speech he alluded to members of congress saying, leaning in the best interests of the powerful and the privileged doesn’t require any courage at all. It struck a chord with me then and there. I have no agenda concerning the former President but his observation cut straight to my sensibility. 
The French have elected a new President. With a sweeping mandate, 2:1, they either embraced the moderate or rejected the right wing extremest, however you want to see it. Any time the French make news I think about how America maligned them when they pushed back against our war in Iraq. Clever insults included talk of banning French fries. We lauded how we saved them from German conquest in two world wars. Nobody remembered how a struggling, bumbling rebellion against England's war machine would have never gained traction if not for the French. Had they not moved on our behalf we would no doubt still be speaking English. We speak ‘Merican now, ask any patriot. 
My opinion plus $2 and you can get a cup of coffee most anywhere. If you want me to elaborate, I’ll have to think on it. If you’re still hanging around when I get it figured out I’ll try to frame some kind of narrative. Writers who earn a living with their observations and opinions leave me in awe. They do the research and put it together like Van Gogh put paint on canvas. You can't help but get the message. I like Van Gogh too but that’s another story. My purpose, if I get to have one, is to find a good spot on the wall and watch the world turn.

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