Monday, October 3, 2016


Humanity is predisposed to dismiss its deficiencies and to exaggerate its virtues to the end, human life is not only superior but also sacred. Most religion would have it that way and the psyche goes there without any inducement. At the other end of the spectrum, misanthropy is a view that the human condition is both corrupted and unworthy. Plato attributed it to thwarted expectations or being extremely naive. In either case, it would seem that the vast majority lean hard to the superior/sacred version. Naturally, I tend to swim against the current. It is fair to say that when it comes to humanity, my expectations have been seriously let down and naiveté comes easily. I make this disclaimer in self defense, taking no comfort thus, it just is what it is. 
We have a multi-billionaire, real estate tycoon running for President. Yesterday it was revealed that he paid no (none) income tax for 18 years, legally. By manipulating loopholes and privileges afforded the immensely rich, he didn’t have to pay. If it was within the law, (experts say it was) then what’s the hang-up? It will be - it is natural for working, tax paying citizens who shop for the best deal on a television set or a car, because money is hard to come by, to recognize the inequity there and find fault with those who exploit it. In his defense, rich and powerful supporters laud him for his astute business savvy. “He has a fiduciary responsibility to pay the least tax that he is required to pay;” is their response. They praise his “Smart” behavior, dismissing a moral obligation to the principle and the spirit of citizenship. In other words, your obligation to maximize your own wealth is greater than any obligation to insure the national infrastructure or the system that provides such opportunity. Beating the system would then be a nobel act. The logic unfolds; those who can’t beat the system should idolize and sponsor those who can. 
I want to know how you justify that shuffle-dance between God & Country patriotism that touts the Bible, flaunts the flag and principles of fairness, asking “What would Jesus do?”  with what we actually do. Our culture is a broad fabric with many threads but all together, it sends a public message, “We are a righteous people who seek and defend justice.” But the unspoken principle usurps the message. It says, “God helps those who help themselves so don’t let concern for others dampen your avarice.” 
The duplicity of this self ascribed righteousness is appalling. It’s bad enough that we have a wretch like D-Trump in position to become our President. But the real insult is the broad support he receives from ordinary people. Yesterday, I listened to a discussion between news media experts. A conservative news paper editor was asked why he had so greatly underestimated DT’s appeal at the beginning of his campaign. He attributed it to two, unexpected causes. First was the reemergence of a deeply held, deeply felt racism, across the culture. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, explaining the striking down of sections of the Voting Rights Act alluded to how we have changed as a nation; that we no longer need to protect voting rights of minorities. After all, we have an African American President. I would suggest that the racist pushback against minorities in this election cycle is evidence to the contrary. 
The second cause, according to the news editor, was “Poor Education.” DT appeals to the ‘Poorly Educated’ in his speeches to the poor and the working class. But the editor explained it where DT doesn’t. It’s not about what was or wasn’t learned in school. It cuts right on up through college graduates. He cited an inability to discern between fact and fiction, a cultural phenomenon, A short but good discussion followed that touched on the internet, a “Reality TV” mentality and ‘Talk Show” propaganda. People have neither the ability to confirm their sources nor the desire to do so. As a people, we believe the voice that tells us what we want to believe. ’Google’ has become the new, graduate school. Together, DT has assembled a consortium of privileged malcontents, racist bigots and predatory business interests that has a good chance of winning the Presidency. 
So I have trouble with a self righteous, noble, human model. Epicurus, (300 BC) reduced human nature to seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, both physical and emotional. It is a function of the primitive brain and when it conflicts with what we believe to be Righteous and Just, the Righteous and the Just take a back seat. We have weighed thousands of philosophers since 300 BC but Epicurus’ observation still holds water. I’m sorry we’re not better than we are but then maybe I should see the glass as half full. 

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