Sunday, May 15, 2016


I heard a news piece on the radio this morning about Saudi Arabia. A 30-year old prince has been given broad powers to reach across branches of government for the purpose of making change. The sheiks understand that they need to diversify their economy. Fossil fuel is not a path to the future so they need a broader scope; a new vision. So this young guy has the ‘Chops’ and the authority to stir the kettle in a culture that has not been stirred for centuries. What is interesting is, they have a problem with their women. The Saudis have been educating their women with university degrees then relegating them to second class status, with few legal rights. A new, diverse economy is going to require more women in the work place and that poses a sticky-wicket. 
The young prince has his work cut out. Changing culture is a long, slow process and the Saudis don’t want to be left behind. They need to change something to compete with alternative, sustainable energy. The oil monopoly is going away. Along with that, Wahhabism, the brand of Islam practiced in Arabia is extreme when it comes to anything regarding gender issues. An important part of the deal was that the Saud family could remain in power as long as they left the Wahhabi leaders alone. The Saud family controls government, a potent military and aligns with western powers while Wahhabi clerics perpetuate old world tradition in the daily lives of its people, at the roots of that culture. To westerners, it doesn’t make sense but with culture, it doesn’t have to. Sounds to me like Young Prince has a lot on his plate. 
In my own country, whether I like it or not, change does come sooner or later but at least I’ve seen some in my lifetime. As much as it seems otherwise, the world is actually becoming a more peaceful, safer place. At least that’s what research tells us. In reflection, century by century over the last millennium, women and children have fared better and better, and people at large are much less likely to die violent deaths. Think in percentages rather than total numbers as the world population has more than doubled since the end of WW2. With news coverage as it is you might question that assertion but the world of our greats and great-greats was an unsympathetic mine field. In Western Culture, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gender issues and economic fairness have moved off the bubble, in favor of those who had previously been denied. What seems slow to me would be unthinkably rushed and dangerously premature in Saudi Arabia. There it’s about women being allowed to drive cars while here it’s about same-sex marriage and bathroom privileges for transgender people. 
Change is the nature of nature and that applies both in the physical/geological realm and the evolution of culture, all cultures. Whatever we feel comfortable with, whatever it is that makes us crazy; we are simply here and now and it will change. I think this drift to a more tolerant, more concern for people we perceive as different is a good thing. It can make me feel uncomfortable in the moment but to reverse course to the old way, the one that felt normal but was reprehensible is a no-brainer. Interesting how emotions can close the mind. Like weeds in my garden; they keep popping up no matter how many I pull. I remember the anger and frustration when people of color were allowed to sit on the same toilet seat as white folks. Now it’s transgender people. But sex is so deeply rooted in our culture and our nature it’s understandable why we act like we do. There was a time when women were precious, treasured, high priority property; but property none the less. If men don't own them, they certainly like to believe they do. Thinking requires at least three brain cells and most sex related responses only take two. That’s my opinion but it’s also another story. Change is good and the trend is moving in a direction I feel good about. I got on board in 1939, not knowing how long the ride would last. I still don’t know but like a roller coaster, the hills start smoothing out and you lose speed toward the end of the ride. I try to vote my conscience ahead of my feelings, use as many neurons as I can string together. My vote hasn’t made a difference yet but I’ll keep up the pretense. 

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