Friday, February 8, 2013

Blood's Thicker Than Water

After about three weeks, anywhere, I start thinking about the road. It’s been three weeks and as much as my house needs me and my stuff needs order, I find myself checking maps and destinations and interesting ways of getting from here to there. I’m in the middle of a project in the wood shop and have an adventure planned with my granddaughters for week after next so I can’t just drop everything and run off. But my wheels are turning and it will happen. 
Today took the edge off my wanderlust, at least for a while. I have two nieces by my little brother; one lives about an hour’s drive away, but whom I seldom get to see. The other used to live in Florida but followed her heart to South Korea and I haven’t seen her for a while either. Today, they were hanging out together and I got to join them. Terry is the taller, world traveler while little sister Julie just appears to be short. Nobody in my family can tease any other about a vertical challenge. My mother used to say, “It doesn’t matter how tall you are as long as your feet reach the ground.” Not that it bothered us but there is a logic buried there that is hard to resist. 
Isn’t it great when relatives turn out to be more interesting and appealing than newly coined strangers? That’s what we rediscovered, again today. Time flew by and before you could shake a stick: that’s another of my mother’s famous quotes, it was time for me to leave. But I’m going back tomorrow and we’ll laugh some more and be so happy that we have each other. There will be plenty of time to juggle maps and itineraries for a yet to be planned road trip. 

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