I could spin off on environmental issues but I won’t. Name calling and pointing fingers may vent anxiety but the kind of change required to resolve manmade climate issues will call for much umbrage and and even more time. I watched a two hour episode of the Ken Burns series on World War Two last night. I’ve seen it several times but some of the visuals and their stories bear watching again. He chronicled the war through four towns; in Minnesota, Alabama, Connecticut and California. It began with young men who went off to war and loved ones left behind, it looked at cities with wartime industry, workers who relocated to fill the wartime job slots. Racism softened, at least for a while. The story Burns offered up was complicated and overlapping. I’ll not rehash the program but I was reminded that war is not and has never been a noble endeavor. It is a ruthless, gruesome struggle with young men following orders, killing each other in the name of God or country, and where innocent bystanders die grizzly deaths for simply being in harms way, where human suffering is the rule. Leaders and profiteers would paint it otherwise but their cause is the universal constant; ‘To the winner go the spoils.’
Sunday, August 29, 2021
I could spin off on environmental issues but I won’t. Name calling and pointing fingers may vent anxiety but the kind of change required to resolve manmade climate issues will call for much umbrage and and even more time. I watched a two hour episode of the Ken Burns series on World War Two last night. I’ve seen it several times but some of the visuals and their stories bear watching again. He chronicled the war through four towns; in Minnesota, Alabama, Connecticut and California. It began with young men who went off to war and loved ones left behind, it looked at cities with wartime industry, workers who relocated to fill the wartime job slots. Racism softened, at least for a while. The story Burns offered up was complicated and overlapping. I’ll not rehash the program but I was reminded that war is not and has never been a noble endeavor. It is a ruthless, gruesome struggle with young men following orders, killing each other in the name of God or country, and where innocent bystanders die grizzly deaths for simply being in harms way, where human suffering is the rule. Leaders and profiteers would paint it otherwise but their cause is the universal constant; ‘To the winner go the spoils.’
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
I start this way, not as a precursor to the rest of the story but as a reminder that all of us live out our own story and it begins somewhere, it has to. I am convinced this life is driven by struggle more than reward. One’s place in time is not negotiable; wherever you thought you were going, when it is that you find yourself, wherever that may be, there you are. Like beads on a string, my years add up to eighty two, something I think about a lot. When your body can’t keep up like you think it should it’s not a choice.
So as much as it feels like (hung out to dry) my plate is full. I earned my pay in another profession but I identify as a writer and storyteller. All the reading, writing, shuffling ideas, I have a lot to work with. I employ words and phrases like my mother did her yarn and knitting needles. So no surprise when I take language to task for what it should convey and how that makes us feel. Storytelling might be dismissed as clowns reciting silly rhymes to preschoolers. If one thinks Story need be childlike and banal then it would seem so. But without Story there would be no history, no tradition, no humor, little more than yes & no. There would be no way to answer the simple question; Why? Human beings are storytellers, all of us, since the day we first put three words together.
The Titanic metaphor was good but I am still afloat. I finally learned to read, how to work and I’ve never been in so deep I couldn’t make my way. In a nutshell, that is my story. Like a fiber in a thread, woven into a fabric, sewn into a tapestry, my little rhyme is a very small part of a larger work. Still, that little rhyme is all I can muster. It began somewhere, somehow, under circumstances not of my choosing. You get what you get and go from there. If we are lucky we grow with experience. Good luck would seem too much to hope for but sometimes we flourish in spite of ourselves. I would agree with Lefty Gomez, New York Yankees’ Hall of Fame pitcher who said, “I’d rather be lucky than good.”
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Processing casual thought on the page, you can redact or delete as you please. When the same package shows up again with predictable frequency it becomes a pattern. My journaling is starting to follow a pattern and I need to make a disclaimer. My long measure of human experience (old age) is an asset but also a hinderance. When you have sky dived from enough airplanes the excitement ebbs dramatically. I stopped recording my free fall jumps sometime after #200. The leap was still worth the ride up but more like getting a nibble, nothing like catching your first fish. It holds your attention, you focus and you’r pulse rate may gain a few ticks but excitement no, not really.
In the twilight of her career, singer Peggy Lee recorded, Is That All There Is, a bitter-sweet reflection. It seemed to say, life has been sweet at times but short as well and I would like to know, is that all there is? I suppose that should be my disclaimer as well. I remember the Cold War in the 1960’s when Soviet and American bombers flew 24/7 armed with hydrogen bombs enough to destroy civilization. They flew nonstop, around the clock, waiting for the command to destroy the wold. It went on for years. We made it through that crisis but even if they know the story, people born after that seldom give it a thought. In 2001 a group of angry, disillusioned martyrs hijacked four airliners but that crisis is still festering. Over the next two decades we would spend trillions of dollars, sacrifice nearly four thousand American lives and many thousands of devastating, life altering injuries. It was all metered out as justice but it reeked of revenge. My culture has difficulty distinguishing between the two. Yes, we killed BinLaden but as of this week it seems our righteous response has gone to seed a dismal failure.
I am old and my conscience has hardened. I try to diffuse crises, whatever they may be. Balance comes from watching the bubble, not from how it feels in the gut. My cohorts (by race & generation) are predominantly conservative. I think it comes with White Privilege, as if blessed by our white, conservative God, the one that authorized misogyny and slavery. I love us but our sins are such that I can neither dismiss nor ignore them. I feel like a whistle-blower, an insult to the myth that my cohorts venerate and I can feel them pushing back. I care, I really do but then it doesn’t matter; just words. They can dismiss me as easily as they would any other renegade and they do. Is that all there is? I know better, not that naïve. I was just hoping for more, something better.
Anthropologists study human history, civilization in general and they concur for the most part. Over the long stretch of recorded history the quality of human life gets better and continues to improve. Depending on how you group populations and break time down into units, there is less war, less slavery, better food, better health and less violence against vulnerable populations. But that takes in every culture, every beating heart. Here in my culture, with the most powerful economy and military on the planet, we agonize over losing hegemony and sustaining a tunnel vision, self serving morality. Being Number #1 has an ego stroking effect as well as a sobering responsibility but the latter is more lip service than practice.
If this has downgraded into a Rant, that wasn’t the intent. I’m never sure for sure where the muse will take me and I don’t know how this story should end. Thursday afternoons we (the team I’m on) make ham and cheese sandwiches for the homeless and the hungry. A few hours later I watch desperate, grateful people, struggling with their burdens just not on empty stomachs. It is something I can do and maybe that is all there is.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Our house was a two bedroom cottage on Tracy Street in Kansas City, so close to the house next door that we could see what they were having for breakfast from the bedroom window. Then we moved out of town to an old, dilapidated, two story farm house. That was back in early summer of 1945. Our growing family, five of us, we needed more space and they (Mom & Dad) wanted a place where they could grow a garden, have animals, a barn, a place without sidewalks where kids could roam without leaving the yard. I turned six the first week of August. A week later the ‘atomic bomb’ ended World War 2. Three weeks after that I began the 1st Grade in an 8 grade school with 3 teachers and as many classrooms.
Most of what I remember about the house on Tracy Street has been drawn from old snapshots and posed photographs. Still I do recall the icebox on the back porch. The ice man came in a horse drawn wagon every second or third day to deliver a block of ice. The icebox itself had a drain that dripped melt water into a pan beneath it. The living room’s centerpiece (the radio) was warm colored, polished wood with a wide base and an arched top. It sat on a small table that must have been made for that purpose. There was a single, on-off/volume switch and a round tuning-dial for changing stations. It looked like the speedometer in our car. Its knob was the center of the dial, geared so you had to turn it a lot just to make the needle move a little. It was our source of information and entertainment and we sat around it like kids at the feet of a magical storyteller.
At our (old) new house the radio was still the living room’s main feature. From WW2 to the early 1950’s the program we never missed, the one I remember best was Grand Central Station. Its introduction was irresistible with the sound of hissing steam engines and the hollow sounds of many people scurrying through a crowded railroad terminal. The narrater, with his deep voice and resonant echo announced; “Grand Central Station, the crossroads of a million private lives, a gigantic stage on which are played a thousand dramas daily.” Then, one particular person either coming or going, maybe meeting someone, their story unfolded perfectly. Funny, romantic, serious or dramatic their stories kept us glued to the spot. I can imagine now the chuffing locomotives and the baritone voice reverberating: “. . . a thousand dramas daily.”
I remember being a child and that imagery has not dimmed or dulled a bit. The serious side of growing up was necessary, the freedom and the responsibility that came with it might have swept childhood under the rug in some cases but not this one. The five year-old who sipped cold water from the icebox drip pan is still in there and we’ve been best of friends all along. I’ve grown old but he is still sitting cross-legged in front of the radio.
Growing old is not so bad, not considering the alternative. From that end, long life would seem a blessing. Maybe that’s what this little piece should be about, blessings, unmerited gifts. The word is usually cast in religious context but it need not be. I can offer my blessing any time, for any reason. With it comes my approval and at least the pretense of privilege. Nobody with right mind would think me religious but I do like the Bible. I like the sermon on the mount in particular, not only for what he said but also what he didn’t say. He blessed the poor, the meek and the merciful but not the mighty or the greedy. Nowhere can I find, ‘Blessed are the powerful for they shall kick ass.’
I am blessed to find myself both old and healthy in the same breath. My children are well on their way to old age but still, they don’t see it coming. My grandchildren think their electronic device is a portal to the future, and who am I to say it isn’t? In the movie, Grumpy Old Men, 80 year-old Burgess Meredith scolded Jack Lemon, his 50-something son for not pursuing the beautiful widow, Ann Margaret. He told him; “. . . when your time comes, all you get to take with you is your experience. So get busy.” With a movie you can write cool stuff like that into the script. The best actors get the best, most unforgettable lines but my dad was nothing at all like Burgess Meredith and my experience came with melt water, the radio, baseball and bicycles. We never followed a script, improvised everything and that turned out alright.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
For decades I’ve slept straight through without interruption, waking up recharged like my iPhone. But everything changes so I shouldn’t be surprised. Nowadays, dreams and getting up to pee are the norm. They say (whoever they are) that any lawyer who defends himself in court has a fool for a client. The same said (I would think) for anyone who tries to interpret their own dreams, as if they had access to the ‘what it means’ file. If there is a message or a lesson there it would be, don’t take yourself too seriously. We learn by trial and error, the brain does not have an owners manual. The fact that I remember the dream is probably just a speed bump on the memory disc and certainly not a riddle to be solved.
With run-amok Conspiracy Theory at every turn, the urge here is to risk being the ‘fool’ thing with another pass at my UFO dream. By their nature, conspiracy theories more than suggest, they dictate that the greater the odds against any one thing, the more compelling the argument to believe it. Actually, I believe that disciples of conspiracy (feel like) they gain a leg up on experts who have made a career of separating fact from fiction. If you know better than the experts, you must be brilliant and you didn’t need to waste ten years on a PhD. If one out of a hundred proves true then you have proved your point, like a baseball player with a batting average of .001. Out of a thousand times at bat he finally got a hit, proof that he can hit MLB pitching. So I’m flip-flopping, not going with the summer night dream. Still, the dream part was real, it takes me (makes me think about) places and invites ideas I never would have imagined without it.
Every time I dive down the (self analysis) rabbit hole it just reaffirms what I came away with the first time. I am in a fragile, Love/Hurt relationship with my own kind (Humanity). I am really disappointed with Homo sapiens, the species. For a while I thought is was a mild case of misanthropy (love/hate) but the animosity has never been there. Yes I love people in the same way you love the home team when they lose, even when they lose poorly. But that doesn’t ease the disappointment (the hurt) of the ugly duckling disconnect. Truth is you were right to begin with, we are ugly ducks and all the swan talk is just a lot of denial and vain ego. We are animals with a remarkable brain, hard to control (the brain) but remarkable none the less. Is that what the UFO dream was all about? Maybe I was supposed to go to another world where human emotion informs but it is reason that prevails. Wouldn’t that be something!
I’ve been told that I am overreacting. Sure people do stupid things but we are the captains of our own destiny (Right!). With good judgment and good decisions life is good. Still, you can’t know if the judgment and decision that felt so good at the time were all that good. You have to wait for the judges score you. You can always trust what you were taught (good enough for good old dad) but success and failure are both peopled by folks who went with what they learned. Can you believe: The 30 yr-old guy who went to a Covid-19 party to prove it was a hoax and caught the virus. Just before he died (dead) he told his doctor, Jan Appleby at San Antonio Methodist Hospital “I think I made a mistake.” I’m afraid that ‘Free Will/Destiny’ thing is more Swan/Ugly Duck propaganda. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, they would have to be crazy. But they were not left behind on a planet full of ugly ducks. They were already here.